

Bariatric Dietician & Content Writer

Wrong Combination Of Food Which Can Affect Your Health!

food combination can afffect your health

We usually know what to eat and what not, however how to eat that’s the important question. Sometimes we make mistakes sometimes while eating, especially when we are dining out or going to a party or a busy day at the office. 

Another thing is that typically we combine food to increase the nutritional value and the Flavour, however there are foods which must be consumed separately as they will need different amounts of time and physiological conditions to digest. Stomach ache, bloating , gas problems and discomfort might result from eating wrong combo foods.  

Fruits with meal or after your meal:

Fruits get absorbed quickly, however when these fruits get combined with grains / meat or dried products they can stay in the digestive tract for a long time and then begin to ferment. Which causes the damage of your intestine walls amongst the other problems.

Protein and potatoes

As potatoes contain starches, proteins do not mix well since they will require separate enzymes for digestion.

Milk with Fruits

Milk should not be consumed with banana or oranges or any sour fruits,

Fast food combos

We all enjoy pizza and coke together, but how bad is it for your health? A cold beverage should not be taken along with cheesy food as they will interfere with absorption. It could give stomach ache and discomfort.

Two high protein food together

It is advisable to avoid two protein foods together because these foods will be high in protein and it will sit heavy in your tummy. And take longer time to digest. 

A tip! You can eat light protein first and then your meat.

Iron-rich foods with calcium-rich foods

Iron rich foods like red meat or spinach, for example eating spinach salad with cheese. So spinach is a good source of Iron where cheese is the best source of calcium. These two together can inhibit the absorption of both nutrients, leading to potential deficiencies over time.

Tomatoes and cucumber

You should not combine these two foods together, not even with yogurt. We must reconsider  our salads and raita.

Burger and fries

We never forget burgers with fries, like its must. But should know that the trans fats and starch cause a rise in your blood cholesterol levels and spikes the blood sugar as well.

Cereal plus juices

Our mornings start with something that gives us energy, and this combination will not give you more energy to start your day, you may feel heaviness after consuming this.

Nuts and olive oil

This combination again can make you sick because the fat in olive oil and protein in nuts do not mix together and hinder digestion.

Yogurt with fruit

These two are not a very healthy combination as the protein rich food comes in contact with acidic fruit, it diminishes digestive fibers and produces toxins and may even lead to cold allergies.

Cereal and milk

The fact is both contain fast digesting carbs, which can put the body under stress, and they both cause blood sugar spikes that will leave you tired when they eventually lower again, making you crave more junk food.

Muffins and juice

Another common breakfast combination. It will make you feel tired soon.

Sweet desserts with high-fat toppings:

Consuming desserts like ice cream or may be cake topped with heavy whipped creams or sugary sauces adds excess calories and unhealthy fats to the diet.

Late night snacking with high-calorie foods:

Consuming chips, cookies or our most favorite ice creams, at night such calorie dense snacks can dysregulate metabolism and can contribute to weight gain.

Rules of food combining:

While planning a meal, always aim for variety and balance. It varies depending on the sources, because digested at different speeds,but the common rules are:

Checkboxes with Strikethrough

Foods are digested at different speeds, so combining a fast- digesting food with slow digesting food can cause your food to sit in the digestive tract for a long time. Which leads to a negative impact on health and digestion as well. 

Improper combination of food can cause toxins to build up and leads to negative health complications like digestive distress and disease.  

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