
Ways to Reduce Food Waste After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery offers good weight loss along with less hunger, more fullness, blood sugar control and diabetes improvement. Which means now you have better satiety levels which helps you to reduce your calories naturally and thus helps lose weight in a healthier way! 

There are many different hormones at play when it comes to food consumption and your body’s method of regulating it. But the hormone that helps you feel full and satisfied ( often one of the biggest factors in the success or failure of dieting)  is the satiety hormone, or leptin. 

After bariatric surgery, you can’t eat as much and you feel full for longer which introduces us to- the concept of new fullness; in the wake of which people generally have complaints of food and capital wastage. 

The portion sizes for your meals and snacks after bariatric surgery will be significantly smaller than they were pre surgery. Your new anatomy will only be able to handle around 1⁄2 to one cup of food at a time, and this amount may be smaller in the immediate recovery phase. While this will help you lose weight and regulate your hormones it can make meal planning a bit challenging. The following tips can help you avoid food spoilage and waste after weight loss surgery.  

  1. Plan your meals smartly: Take time to plan your meals in advance. This will help you determine the portion sizes and ingredients needed for each meal, reducing the chances of buying or preparing excessive amounts of food.

  1. Shop mindfully: When grocery shopping, make a list of the specific items you need and stick to it. Avoid impulse buying or purchasing large quantities of perishable items that you may not be able to consume before they spoil.

  1. Avoid bigger packaging stuffs: Choose smaller-sized packages or portions of perishable items like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meats. This way, you can consume them before they go bad.

  1. Freeze the leftovers: If you find yourself with leftover food that you won’t be able to finish before it spoils, consider freezing it in individual portions. This way, you can have ready-to-eat meals for later without worrying about wasting food.

  1. Embrace batch cooking: Prepare larger quantities of food and divide them into individual portions for later use. You can store these portions in the refrigerator or freezer, ensuring that you have convenient, pre-portioned meals without excess waste.

  1. Monitor expiration dates: Regularly check the expiration dates of the food items in your pantry and refrigerator. Use items that are closer to expiration first to minimize waste.

  1. Use food preservation techniques: Learn various food preservation techniques like canning, pickling, or fermenting. These methods can help extend the shelf life of certain foods and prevent them from going to waste.

  1. Donate excess food: If you realize that you have surplus food that you won’t consume, consider donating it to needy, local food banks, shelters, or charitable organizations. This way, you can prevent wastage and help those in need.

  1. Compost food scraps: Create a composting system for your food scraps and organic waste. This allows you to recycle nutrient-rich materials and reduce the amount of food waste that goes into landfills.

  1. Practice portion control: One of the essential aspects of post-bariatric surgery is portion control. Measure your food portions according to your recommended dietary guidelines to avoid overeating and wasting excess food.

  1. Focus on fresh ingredients: Prioritize fresh produce, as they tend to have a shorter shelf life. Buy smaller quantities of fruits, vegetables, and herbs to ensure you can consume them before they spoil.

  1. Educate yourself about food storage: Learn about proper food storage techniques to extend the life of different items. For example, store food in airtight containers, use the refrigerator correctly, and follow specific storage recommendations for different types of products.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce food wastage post-bariatric surgery and make more efficient use of your food resources. 

Ordering food in the right quantity at restaurants can be tricky too, you can follow these guidelines for the same 

  • 1. Read the menu beforehand: Take the time to review the menu online before visiting the restaurant. Look for options that align with your post-surgery dietary guidelines and portion sizes.

  • Choose smaller portion sizes: Many restaurants offer smaller portion sizes or “light” menu options. Opt for these choices, as they are often more suitable for your needs. If smaller portion sizes are not available, consider ordering an appetizer or a side dish instead of a full-sized meal.

  • Request customization: Don’t hesitate to ask your server for customization. Request modifications to accommodate your dietary restrictions or portion control needs. For example, ask for sauces or dressings on the side, or substitute high-calorie sides with steamed vegetables.

  • Share with a dining partner: If the portion sizes are still too large, consider sharing a meal with a dining partner. This way, you can enjoy a taste of the dish without feeling overwhelmed by the quantity.

  • Take advantage of takeout or leftovers: If you find that the portion size is too large to consume in one sitting, ask the server to pack the leftovers to take home. This allows you to enjoy the meal over multiple servings and avoid food wastage.

  • Be mindful of hidden ingredients: Pay attention to the ingredients used in the dishes. Some sauces, dressings, or toppings may contain hidden sugars, fats, or high-calorie ingredients. Ask for detailed information about the dish to make informed choices.

  • Practice portion control: Remember your portion control guidelines and stick to them when ordering. Consider using smaller plates or bowls to visually manage your portions better.

  • Focus on protein and vegetables: Choose protein-rich options such as lean meats, fish, or tofu, along with a variety of vegetables. These choices can help you feel satisfied and provide essential nutrients without excess calories.

  • Communicate with the restaurant staff: Don’t hesitate to communicate your needs and concerns with the restaurant staff. They are often willing to accommodate your requests and provide guidance on suitable menu options.

Remember, it’s important to listen to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness. Eat slowly and stop eating when you feel satisfied, even if there is food remaining on your plate. By being mindful and making conscious choices, you can enjoy dining out while adhering to your post-weight loss surgery guidelines.

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