How Quickly Can You Get Bariatric Surgery Done? Timeline Explained
Obesity is a serious health concern which comes in with several other comorbidities like heart strokes and heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, breathing issues, sleep apnea, reduced quality of life etc. Hence is also called the mother of all diseases. The best suitable and specific treatment of obesity is bariatric surgery which is purely made for treating obesity and obesity related health issues.
As the obesity epidemic continues, you may have decided you no longer wish to be a statistic and want to improve your health and quality of life by losing weight. You may have been unsuccessfully tried losing weight through diet and exercise on your own, got frustrated out of failure and are now ready to seek some help. If you are wondering how long it takes from your consultation to your bariatric surgery date, here’s the answer to all your questions!
The time between your decision to undergo bariatric surgery and the surgery date will vary depending on many factors. Some of these factors include –
The pre-requisites of your bariatric surgeon and their availability (schedule)
Mode of payment for the surgery can make a difference too. If you are relying on medical insurance to cover some or all of your surgery; the timeframe may vary depending on the qualifications and prerequisites of your insurance policy.
Your commitment to completing and documenting each requirement.
Your schedule. You must have a viable plan to account for the surgery and recovery time. Unlike emergency surgeries generally, bariatric surgery is an elective surgery and is also called weekend surgery, which gives you a space to manage your work before you go through the procedure. We assure you that this is an adjustment that you are making towards a better and more productive you. Following the expert advice, consuming the prescribed appropriate diet and proper workout post the surgery are some ways you can catalyze your recovery.
If you are in a blue about bariatric surgery thinking that it takes a while to recover and get back to routine life like other surgeries; you are wrong! As this surgery is done laparoscopically all the discomfort is eliminated within a few hours after the surgery . People usually start walking on their feet within 5 to 6 hours of surgery and start their routine activity within a week post surgery. People get back to their routine life the next day of surgery

Basic Prerequisites For The Surgery
The baseline criteria to qualify for bariatric surgery are-
The age of the patient should be anywhere between 14 to 70 years of age
BMI> 40 KG/M2
BMI>35 KG/M2 with 2 or more comorbidities
BMI 30-35 KG/M2 with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (type II)
with any associated comorbidity like Heart, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Hypertension, Knee Joint Pain, PCOS, Infertility, etc
Bariatric Surgery Requirements From The Surgeon
Bariatric surgery of an individual is planned after checking his/her BMI and the whole body test according to which the patient is put on a pre operational diet and certain guidelines are given which he/she needs to follow precisely for 10 to 15 days.
However this duration can vary from patient to patient as the sincerity of the pre-op diet & guidelines followed vary to every individual, most of the cases do not require a waiting window before the surgery & can proceed immediately.
Post clearing the basic criteria for the surgery, you must meet the qualifications required by your bariatric surgeon. These may include
-Medical tests (labs) These may include standard preoperative labs such as blood count and chemistry panel as well as medical tests such as cardiology testing, Lung functioning, Gastrointestinal evaluation, Sleep apnea evaluation, etc.
These may include standard preoperative labs such as blood count and chemistry panel as well as medical tests such as cardiology testing, Lung functioning, Gastrointestinal evaluation, Sleep apnea evaluation, etc.
Pre surgery diet
Before having bariatric surgery, patients are required to follow a specific diet to shrink their liver as well as a diet to jump start their weight loss and better prepare for the surgery.
Higher grade of BMI parameters (grade II, morbidly obese, super morbidly obese) + any kind of medical situation detected (like high\low blood pressure, abnormal levels of blood sugar levels, etc) can lead to delaying of the surgery as we will need some time to bring body to normal state for a safer and better surgery.
Thus the celerity of the surgery depends completely upon the grade of obesity the subject is in and his\her medical history + current medical reports which is different for every individual.
A rough step by step guide to seek the bariatric surgery is as follows :
Read also; The Cost of Bariatric Surgery in India
Step 1 – Consultation with your surgeon
Step 2 – Pre operative testing
Step 3 – day of bariatric surgery
Step 4 – Following up
The whole journey right from 1st consultation to the surgery can be as short as 4-5 days or as long as you wish it to be. Thus ditch all your blues about the surgery and take the first step forward towards your better self. The team of Dr. Manish Motwani at Aastha Bariatrics is here to guide you for whatever and whenever you need us to. At A reasonable cost, EMI as well as Mediclaim facilities are provided for patients to be able to undertake the opportunity for a healthy life ahead. Patients often opt for Bariatric Surgery after trying out fitness regimes, dieting, taking various supplements, and many other possible options. Bariatric surgery not only helps patients with weight loss, but gives them a healthy life by making them follow healthy lifestyle practices.
Why We Are?
- Asia's Trusted Bariatric Center
- Centre of Excellence
- Patient Trusted Highly Volume Bariatric Center in Mumbai
- EMI, Cashless & Mediclaim Facilities are Available
- Daily Patients Follow-up after Bariatric Surgery
- Patient Support Group Every Month
- Obesity Awareness Program
- Available with Latest Technologies
- 18+ Experience in Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery
- 300+ Weight Loss Diet Plan & Recipes
- Highly Trained & Experienced Bariatric Nutritionist
- Patient WhatsApp Chat Group
- & Many More
Medically reviewed by Dr. Manish Motwani, Bariatric & Metabolic Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeon — Curated by Ruchika Bachwani