
Obesity and Periodontitis – Aastha Bariatrics

Periodontitis is an oral health condition where there is an inflammation in the tissues of teeth which can cause destruction of periodontium.

Periodontitis which is also called pyorrhoea if not treated can eventually lead to tooth loss

Plaque deposition is not the only cause, multiple uk best essays.org other factors could accelerate the consequence of the plaque.

When there is excess fat accumulation inside the body, it leads to chronic inflammation inside the body.

Obesity can result in various metabolic disorders which can cause metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, cardiovascular disorders, dyslipidaemia.

Obesity and Periodontitis

Any individual with a BMI above 30 kg/m2 is overweight.

Any individual with a BMI above 30 kg/m2 is overweight.

Waist hip circumference should be 0.80 for women and 0.90 for men, BMI is used to calculate the degree of obesity.

Periodontitis and obesity are both inflammatory essays services reviews.com diseases. Periodontitis happens when there is the progressive destruction of the periodontium due to the presence of certain microorganisms.

Overweight patients tend to have unhealthy dietary habits which include a fat rich diet and excessive sugar consumption with insufficient micronutrients. Excess fat creates stress by creating inflammatory conditions and could be a supporting factor for promoting periodontal disease. Inflammation is an important factor that interlink obesity and periodontitis.

Metabolic disorder with excess fat accumulation will result in insulin resistance and onset of type 2 diabetes, further with vascular complications and abnormalities in collagen synthesis will make the periodontal insertion losses severe and can increase the possibility of tooth loss.

In diabetic patients the saliva secretion changes to some extent, Xerostomia and glycosuria occur in hyperglycaemic conditions.

Obesity is somehow interrelated to the oral microbiota condition which can lead to healing difficulties.

Obesity can result in hyperglycaemia; glycosuria will eventually lead to dehydration and will decrease the saliva secretion. Ph value will become acidic and will lead to difficulties in dental health, healing of cavity and in long run could lead to tooth loss.

Decrease in the Ph value and saliva secretion could change the buffer capacity which will lead to imbalance in homeostatic energy leading to oral health complications.

Obesity and Metabolic disorder

Excess fat, and high waist circumference leads to various complexity, such as waist circumference of more than 35 inches in women and more than 40 inches in men can lead to a contributing factor for the various comorbidities.

With metabolic disorder, there is insulin secretion dysfunction which results in various macrovascular and microvascular complications, which can develop endothelial dysfunction.

Endothelial dysfunction can lead to imbalance in the homeostasis of the body.

Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorder, lipid disorders develop with the metabolic disorder condition.

High waist circumference and metabolic disorders

High waist circumference may have a direct effect on the development of metabolic syndrome, intra-abdominal obesity has brown adipose tissue depositions. When intra-abdominal fat develops into the storage fat, metabolic complications arise.

Intra-abdominal adipose tissue is an important endocrine organ which secretes adipocytokines including resistin, interleukins,  adiponectin, leptin.

These are important factors which regulate the body energy, any irregular secretion of these can result in the expansion in the high intra-abdominal fat mass leading to various metabolic diseases.

Weight loss and good oral health

Weight loss will lead to the better secretion and absorption of the insulin, regulating the glucose levels in the blood.

Hormone secretion of leptin and ghrelin will improve with the adipose tissue reduction, resulting in the balance in the body energy, thus maintaining the homeostasis.

With the improvement in the metabolic system, nutrient secretion becomes better thus balancing the energy.

With the reduction in the inflammatory condition, the oral inflammatory disease condition of periodontitis will improve.

Read also; The Cost of Bariatric Surgery in India

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