Can Obesity lead to Mental Health Issues? - Aastha Bariatrics

The energy you consume from food is more than the energy you utilise during any physical activity, it gets accumulated in your body in the form of fat. If this pattern of overeating continues for a long period of time, it can cause you to gain weight and become obese

Obesity is a compex disease which causes excess fat to get stored in your body. It is not just a cosmetic concern. It is a medical issue which can cause other life–threatening conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. The unnecessary fat stored in your body not only causes weight gain, but also increases your risk of suffering from the above mentioned health problems.

There are several reasons for you to become an obese, like genetic, psychological, environmental, social and cultural influences. Many researches have shown that obesity is linked mental disorder and many of the medications used to treat psychiatric illness. Stress is certainly a factor in both depression and obesity. Chronic stress and anxiety, for example, can lead to depression. Similarly, stress can make you more likely to turn to food as a coping mechanism. That can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.

Obesity is a life threatening disease, and has higher prevalence in women (11.5%) than men (6.9%) than in men. It is seen in all age groups. These days even childhood obesity is a matter of concern.

obesity and mental health issue

Let us now talk about your emotions-

If you are overweight, you may go through different emotions like feeling frustrated, angry, or upset. However, understanding your emotions is the first step in dealing with them. It takes time and practice to understand your emotions. Sometimes they can sudden and confusing.

Many studies have shown a positive association between obesity and various mental health issues, including depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and substance abuse. Obesity impacts individuals’ quality of life, with many sufferers experiencing increased stigma and discrimination because of their weight.

Are you emotionally attached to food?

They say that ‘You are what you eat’, however it is also believed that ‘You feel what you eat’. It is proven that certain foods have a high impact on how you feel. Some foods will make you feel good and some might act in a negative way.

If you are chemically balanced, your mood will be balanced. There are many reasons that can cause imbalance in your body. If you do not eat reguolarly chances are that you will have elevated blood glucose levels. Many people are governed by chemicals, these are known as mood stressors like sugar, alcohol, caffeine, high sodium foods etc.

Are you emotionally attached to food?

There is a chemical in our body called serotonin. This chemical is responsible for your mood, emotions, sleep pattern etc. There are some feel good foods like chocolates, potato chips (high in sodium), aerated drinks etc. These foods elevate your mood and hence many people binge eat and use food as coping mechanism.


  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat your protein.
  • Do not binge eat.
  • Eat smaller meals but frequently.
  • Avoid high sodium meals.
  • Avoid table sugar.
  • Eat fruits instead of juices
  • Eat compex carbohydrate.
  • Stay physically active.
  • Learn yoga and meditation.
  • Understand your emotions.
  • Talk about your problems.

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Manish Motwani, Bariatric & Metabolic Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeon — Curated by Ruchika Bachwani

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